Friday, 8 May 2009

No.54 From Boris to Baileys

Yesterday I went in search of Checkov's gravestone which I eventually found in a cemetary located somewhere probably roughly central Moscow. The entrance lists its residents which reads like a Who's Who of notable Russians including Gogol (not to be confused with Google who is, of course, still very much alive) Shostakovich, Raisa Gorbachev, Nikita Khrushchev and Boris Yeltsin. Everytime we asked for the location of Yeltin's grave we got the same reply "Just look for the crazy marble". They were right. It looks nothing like a headstone but more like a piece of something rescued from a water theme park. If my Interent skills are up to it I'll upload a photograph.

Last night I ended up at a pancake party in North West Moscow. In the kitchen I talked to a Sergey an ex military man and a veteran of a few more drinking campaigns than me at a guess. The Baileys appeared as did the Irish Whiskey and amid a good few drinks and cigars we chatted about Shakesbeare and Dovtoyevsky, sorted out Chechneya, & Bosnia and a good many of the world's other problems too. Right now the state of my head feels like the world's biggest problem....

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