Wednesday 4 August 2010

No.362 Of Rabbit in the Headlines & Duck on the Menu

I think I must be driving to work at the moment through bunny rabbit alley. For there are rabbits scattering everywhere as I thunder along the scenic route to work. So far I've managed to avoid a rabbit going "splat" under my wheels but it's been a close run thing. Two bunnies this morning did a pretty good impersonation of rabbits in headlights and seemed completely unaware that the sensible way out of their predicament was a quick dash to the right. Instead, they went left completely under the car but remarkably, out the other side in one piece. Oh happy bunnies!

The ducks about a month ago weren't so fortunate. I thought they would simply take off as I came flying round the corner. They didn't and there was feather and fluff flying up from the front of my car for a good two miles afterwards. When cycling the same route later that day with a friend she seemed visibly upset when I recounted how two ducks has lost their lives earlier that morning. "Why are you so upset? I asked "You told me you had duck for dinner last night at the Chinese". She replied "That duck died for a good reason and not at the hands of a w***ker in an MG..."

Friends hey...

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