Monday 24 January 2011

Of Nature's Best and Worst

I head into the week off a mixed weekend. On Saturday night I went to see "I, Elizabeth". This was one and a half hours of one person throwing out line after line. The actress was good but the script was just not entertaining enough for me, my friend and at a guess just about everyone else in the audience.

Yesterday I headed out to the North Antrim Coast and walked along some of the Ulster Way with a couple of friends. The scenery was staggeringly beautiful. We joked that we'd go looking for some brunch and bad service in the local hotel afterwards. We did and we found both. It made me so cross while my friends found it highly amusing. Why is it that the only thing reliable about service to the public nowadays is that it is likely to be plain rude?

More cheering was the sight of a school of dolphins racing along the coast line as we drove back to Belfast. Give me a sea based mammal in preference to a land one any day.

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